Weren't you at all worried it was a scam? You should be more careful in the future. Well, anyways, now that you're here I could really use some help. You see, I'm in trouble: I've been trapped in the library. Oh, and I know you can help me because of this 27 year old prophecy:
When they have clicked on the Mystery Button of green,
the treasures of old and new shall again be seen.
For they who click are destined to find
the guardian of this knowledge now confined.
How did I get trapped, did you ask? The truth is I've got something valuable, something that my enemies would very much like to take from me and destroy, and they are looking. I would like to get it in the hands of someone that can do some good with it. So, I am in hiding, trapped in the library, until the one the prophecy spoke of (that's you!) can come along and find me before my enemies do. You must find me and carry on my quest to share this treasure with the world. I have left clues all throughout the library in an effort to help you find me, and in order to confuse my enemies. They might be stuck to an item or they might be inside the cover of a book. Should you need assistance, I have entrusted some helpful hints with the librarians of the Pickford Community Library, though I have hidden the location of myself even from them, because I know that it must be you, the one of the prophecy, who finds me. If you should ever need a hint from the librarians, be sure to give them the code first, so that they know it is you and not our enemies. The code is this: "I heard Bad Kitty is always watching, do you think that's true?"
Here is your first clue:
I splash in words instead of water,
though bath bubbles are normally what I'm for.
Well, what are you still here for?? Your quest has started! Oh, and I suppose I should tell you that it's alright if you form a team to complete this quest, just make sure they are trustworthy people. I don't care how old or young you are, although if you are young you might want to have a trusted adult help you. Additionally, the librarians have offered a free book to you and each of your team members upon completion of this quest, because they know it is that important.
When they have clicked on the Mystery Button of green,
the treasures of old and new shall again be seen.
For they who click are destined to find
the guardian of this knowledge now confined.
How did I get trapped, did you ask? The truth is I've got something valuable, something that my enemies would very much like to take from me and destroy, and they are looking. I would like to get it in the hands of someone that can do some good with it. So, I am in hiding, trapped in the library, until the one the prophecy spoke of (that's you!) can come along and find me before my enemies do. You must find me and carry on my quest to share this treasure with the world. I have left clues all throughout the library in an effort to help you find me, and in order to confuse my enemies. They might be stuck to an item or they might be inside the cover of a book. Should you need assistance, I have entrusted some helpful hints with the librarians of the Pickford Community Library, though I have hidden the location of myself even from them, because I know that it must be you, the one of the prophecy, who finds me. If you should ever need a hint from the librarians, be sure to give them the code first, so that they know it is you and not our enemies. The code is this: "I heard Bad Kitty is always watching, do you think that's true?"
Here is your first clue:
I splash in words instead of water,
though bath bubbles are normally what I'm for.
Well, what are you still here for?? Your quest has started! Oh, and I suppose I should tell you that it's alright if you form a team to complete this quest, just make sure they are trustworthy people. I don't care how old or young you are, although if you are young you might want to have a trusted adult help you. Additionally, the librarians have offered a free book to you and each of your team members upon completion of this quest, because they know it is that important.