Procedures and Guidelines
Let's do our part to be kind to others and keep them and ourselves safe .
- If you do not feel well, please do not come into the library.
- The Pickford Community Library expects visitors to follow the guidelines recommended by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).
- All staff and volunteers are required to wear masks when dealing with patrons and the public regardless of vaccination status. This is subject to change starting August 1st, 2021.
Coming inside
- As you enter the library, there will be a cart with hand sanitizer on it, please use it, or wash your hands in the restroom right away. Don’t touch your face afterwards. Washing your hands and not touching your face is the most important practice that you can do to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus, and other sicknesses.
- Please wear a mask while in the library. This is to protect you and those around you.
- Please keep a social distance of 6 feet, from anyone not in your own party.
- Please stay six feet back from the circulation desk when waiting in line to be checked out, or to ask a question, and stand at the germ shield when talking to the staff member at the desk.
- There will be a limited supply of disposable gloves upon request.
- If you are browsing the shelves, and take a book, audiobook, or DVD off to read the jacket synopsis, and don’t want it, please put it in the designated bins. There will be one near the front of the library, and one near the back labeled "Books that have been looked at." The staff will take care of those materials.
- There will be two public laptops available for use. They will be on a first come, first serve basis (unless determined that we need to schedule appointments). Time on the computers will be limited to one hour, unless the other laptop is open. The laptop stations will be sanitized between uses.
- Please be respectful and kind.
Curbside Pickup
If you don’t want to come into the library, we are still be offering curbside pickup.
- Search the Pickford Community Library online catalog here to determine if we have a book, audiobook, or DVD. You may place a hold on it through the computer. Please call the library at 906-647-1288, or email us at [email protected] to let us know that you want pick-up. We will pull the item off the shelf and check it out on your card. A staff member will call you and arrange a time for you to pick up your item(s).
- If you don’t know what you want, but do know the author, genre, or type, give us a call at 906-647-1288 or email us at [email protected]. We will find something for you, check it out to you, and give you a call to arrange pickup.
- We are starting to do interlibrary loans, so you can place holds on books from other libraries.
Cleaning Procedures/Schedule
Pickford Community Library has established cleaning procedures to keep library premises sanitized.
- The building will be cleaned with a disinfectant daily, and in between use at stations that are used by patrons throughout the day, such as laptops, furniture arms, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, tabletops, and faucets.
- The bathroom will be sanitized daily, and sanitizing wipes will be available there for you to use to wipe down surfaces if you so wish.
- The building will receive a full clean once weekly with special consideration to the high-touch surfaces.
- There will be clear signage at entries reminding patrons not to enter, or to go home if they don’t feel well, wash/sanitize their hands, don’t touch their faces, cough into their elbows and be cautious not to spread germs